This research guide is based on Eckstein Law Library resources in print and digital format. England makes up one of the three legal systems of the United Kingdom along with Scotland and Northern Ireland. While these three legal systems are similar they are not identical. This research guide covers researching the laws of England and Wales only. It should also be noted that England is a member country of the European Union ("EU") and has ceded a portion of its sovereignty under various treaties to the EU. Conducting legal research in English law necessarily entails considering relevant EU law.
This guide is organized by tabs across the top of the page. Primary law includes: statutes, cases, administrative materials (statutory instruments), and treaties. In addition, there is a secondary resources tab that includes description and links to various secondary resources in the law library collection. It is recommended that researchers start with secondary resources.
JustCite is a citator service offered through Justis. It may be used in much the same manner as West's Keycite or Lexis' Shepard's citator. However, because the library only subscribes to Justis' citator, Just Cite, you will not be provided full text versions of many of the items included on the citator results list. JustCite is meant to be a tool to use to identify leading cases and relationships between cases. To obtain the full text of opinions and legislation, you will have to use other free services or print materials, as noted in this research guide.
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