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Marquette University’s land and water acknowledgment is a statement that developed over weeks of reflection and conversation led by Indigenous student leadership with key faculty and staff. The statement recognizes the long history of Native people and nations that lived on and stewarded the land and water where the university now resides. It also celebrates the unbroken connection Native people and nations still have to this land and waterways, their traditional territories.
The following is a list of associations and organizations that have a connection to Native American Indian law and legal issues and may provide relevant information for Native American Indian legal research.
American Bar Association Committee on Native American Concerns
Great Lakes Intertribal Council
National American Indian Court Judges Association
National Congress of American Indians
National Indian Gaming Association
National Indian Justice Center
National Native American Bar Association
National Native American Law Students Association
National Tribal Justice Resource Center
Wisconsin Judicare, Inc. - Indian Law Office
Wisconsin Tribal Judges Association