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Native American Indian Law Research Guide: Wisconsin Legislative & Wisconsin Tribal Codes/Constitutions Resources

This guide provides an overview of selected Native American Indian law materials available at the Marquette University Eckstein Law Library and selected online materials pertaining to Native American Indian law.


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Marquette University's Land and Water Acknowledgement

Marquette University’s land and water acknowledgment is a statement that developed over weeks of reflection and conversation led by Indigenous student leadership with key faculty and staff. The statement recognizes the long history of Native people and nations that lived on and stewarded the land and water where the university now resides. It also celebrates the unbroken connection Native people and nations still have to this land and waterways, their traditional territories.

Wisconsin Legislative & Tribal Codes/Constitutions Resources


Wisconsin Session Laws (Laws of Wisconsin) - Wisconsin  Edit/Delete

Call Number: KFW2425.2 .L39
Publication Year: 1848-
Laws of the state of Wisconsin. Alternate title is Acts of Wisconsin.
HeinOnline (connect from catalog record)
Wisconsin Statutes and Annotations - Revisor of Statutes Bureau  Edit/Delete
Call Number: KFW2430 .A22
Publication Year: 1987-
Wisconsin Statutes with annotations which serve as a brief summary of the law with cases to demonstrate how the statute is interpreted.
Connect to the Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau Updated Statutes and Annotations from the catalog record.
Lexis (username and password required)
Westlaw (username and password required)


Wisconsin Legislative Committee - Special Committee on State-Tribal Relations

This committee studies issues relating to American Indians and the tribes and bands in Wisconsin and develops recommendations and legislative proposals relating to those issues. It is a permanent study committee pursuant to Section 13.83 (3) of the Wisconsin Statutes.

Wisconsin Legislative Council

A search of the Wisconsin Legislative Council website provides links to reports and memorandums on Native American Indian legislative issues, including recommended legislation by the Special Committee on State-Tribal Relations. Search terms such as "Indian", "Native American" or "State-Tribal Relations".

Wisconsin Legislator Briefing Book, Chapter 26 State-Tribal Relations / Wisconsin Legislative Council

The resource describes general principles regarding Wisconsin's American Indians, tribes and bands. The document provides a good overvew of the tribes in Wisconsin, relations with the federal government, jurisdictions, gaming and relations with the branches of Wisconsin government.


For some research projects, it may be necessary to conduct a legislative history review of specific statutes. For guidelines on how to conduct a Wisconsin legislative history, please see the research guide titled, "Wisconsin Legislative History Research Guide," one in a series of Research Guides prepared by the Marquette University Eckstein Law Library librarians


Charters, Constitutions and By-laws of the Indian Tribes of North America: Part II: The Indian Tribes of Wisconsin - compiled and edited by George E. Fay  Edit/Delete

Call Number: KFW2905 .F39 1967
Publication Year: 1967
Includes corporate charters of the Bad River Band, Lac du Flambeau Band, Red Cliff Band, Sokaogon Chippewa Community, Onieida Tribe, Forest County Potawatomi Community and Stockbridge-Munsee Community as well as the constitutions and by-laws of the eleven Wisconsin Indian Tribes.


Most Wisconsin tribes' websites include codes/constitutions:

Bad River Constitution and ByLaws

Forest County Potawatomi Community Code of Laws

Ho-Chunk Nation Laws

Lac Courte Oreilles Constitution and Bylaws

Lac du Flambeau Constitution and Bylaws

Menominee Constitution and Bylaws

Oneida Constitution   (also Oneida Laws and Regulations - Oneida Code of Laws)

Red Cliff Band Tribal Constitution

St. Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin Constitution and Bylaws

Sokaogon Chippewa Community of Mole Lake Constitution and Bylaws

Stockbridge-Munsee Community Constitution and Tribal Law (unofficial; contact the tribe for the official version)