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Jury Instructions Research Guide: Wisconsin

Jury instructions are directions from the judge to the jury regarding the applicable law specific to the case being tried. They serve as a guide to assist the jurors in understanding the legal and factual issues and in reaching a verdict.


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Wisconsin Jury Instructions

Wisconsin's jury instructions are divided into three separate titles: Civil, Criminal and Children. They are available in the Marquette University Eckstein Law Library Ready Reference collection on the first floor of the Law Library and in Reserves. The civil and criminal instructions are each produced in a looseleaf/three-ring binder format.  The instructions relating to children are issued in a bound volume. All three are also produced on CDs available in Reserves.

Although Wisconsin does not provide a free Internet-based set of the instructions, the Fastcase database does include Wisconsin jury instructions. The article "Locating Wisconsin Jury Instructions: Turn to Fastcase for New Electronic Edition," by Cheryl O'Connor (8 InsideTrack 3 2016) describes this resource.

Access to the online instructions available on Fastcase is explained below:

Marquette Law Students have access through the Fastcase link listed on the law library homepage.

Patrons of the law library have access through the Law Library’s subscription to Fastcase while in the law library.  Please see a reference librarian who will log you in.

WI Bar Members may have access to the WI jury instructions on Fastcase.  Bar Members should determine whether their subscription includes the WI Jury Instructions.  If it does not, WI Bar Members can access them online through Marquette Law Library’s subscription while in the law library.  Please see a reference librarian who will log you in.

Wisconsin jury instructions are not available on BloombergLaw, LexisAdvance or Westlaw.

Wisconsin Jury Instructions, Children

Wisconisn Jury Instructions, Civil

Wisconsin Jury Instructions, Criminal