Court Rules Research Guide: Updating State Court Rules
Court rules govern the procedures of a court and how matters before a court are handled and processed. This guide identifies resources for locating court rules.
An important part of researching court rules is knowing how to update the rules and how to find proposed and new amendments to the rules.
Check the relevant court websites to see if new court rules have been added. For a list of state court websites check the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) site for links to each state's judicial branches.
The annotated versions of state statutes sometimes publish the state's court rules. State statutes or codes may include new or amended rules. Search the Marqcat catalog for an individual state's statutes or code or search online for a state's statutes or code.
Check the advance sheets for the state's case reporter
Look to see if a state's practice resource or treatise has issued a pamphlet or supplement regarding rule amendments
New rules may be published in the relevant legal newspaper.
Search databases such as Lexis and Westlaw. Access is restricted to members of the Marquette University Law School community.
State Court Structure Charts
Source: Court Statistics Project - National Center for State Courts