Eckstein Law Library has hundreds of administrative law titles. A selection of treatises and recent monographs is shown here. To find materials in the law library and Raynor collections, use the Marqcat online catalog. Subject and keyword searches are good ways to start research in the catalog if you do not have a specific title or author.
Most print secondary source materials for U.S. administrative law are located on the 2nd floor of the law library. International sources are found mostly on the 3rd floor, and current Wisconsin materials are on the 1st level. Materials cataloged as reference or reserve also are on the first floor. To find resources located in libraries outside Marquette's collection, you can search the public WorldCat database.
Please ask a reference librarian for help with your research questions.
These books are kept on general reserve for two-hour borrowing at Eckstein. Ask at the Circulation desk. Law students also have access to online study materials using the Lexis Digital Library. If you need to retrieve your access PIN, ask a librarian.
The Wisconsin Administrative Code and the Wisconsin Register are described more fully on the WI Regulations tab, with links to electronic versions of these primary sources.
The law library maintains loose leaf and supplemented print serials for tax, labor and employment, environmental law, and other regulated practice areas. Some examples are listed here. Check the Marqcat catalog or ask a reference librarian for assistance finding titles.
Regulatory law can develop from empirical data, built on experimentation and analysis, field studies, and other non-legal information. Empirical research can occur in legal practice or as part of legal scholarship.